Abstract Guidelines
Each participant can submit only one abstract of which he/she is the first author for either oral or poster presentation. The new submission deadline is 9 January 2019. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (not including title, author names and affiliations). Abstracts should be written in English. Text should be organized into five sections: Title, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Please state the preferred form of presentation (oral or poster).
We welcome suggestions for special themed sessions at the conference. If abstracts submitted are intended to be part of a special session, the name of the session and the session organiser should be clearly stated on the abstract (and is included in the word count). However, all abstracts will be independently reviewed and assessed on their own merits, and we may choose to accept individual abstracts rather than the entire session.
Abstracts will be blind reviewed by 3 referees including one representative of the EHBEA Steering Committee, one member of the local Organizing Committee, and one academic drawn from a pool of expert reviewers. Based upon the three recommendations, the Organizing Committee will accept or reject the presentation.
Accepted abstracts will be arranged into sessions by the committee. Information about the status of the abstract will be emailed to its first author some time in January.
Please note that a submitted abstract will only be sent out for review if the contributor is registered for the conference. In the event of a rejected abstract submission, individuals will have the opportunity to receive a refund for payment of conference registration fees. To receive this refund, individuals will be required to write an email to the organizing committee. We will not refund registration fees in other cases, unless there is sufficient justification. Thanks for your comprehension.