Social events > Launch event - Evolutionary Human Sciences Journal

We are privileged to be hosting the launch of the new journal of Evolutionary Human Sciences edited by Ruth Mace at the EHBEA 2019 Toulouse conference this year.

Cambridge University Press publishes research monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals, and large numbers of paperbacks aimed at graduate students as well as over 380 peer-reviewed journals, including journals published on behalf of over 100 learned societies, which form the latest in research and discovery across a range of topics. Many of these journals are the leading academic publications in their fields and together they form one of the most valuable and comprehensive collections of research available today.

Evolutionary Human Sciences is a fully Open Access journal that supports a unified approach to evolutionary human sciences. We are concerned with understanding how evolution has shaped humankind, from biology through to culture.
The journal aims to attract papers in the fields of evolutionary anthropology, cultural evolution, human biology, evolutionary medicine, anthropological genetics, phylogenetics, paleoanthropology and evolutionary approaches to psychology, cognition, language, economics, archaeology, primatology, politics and anything else that can be considered to be part of the evolutionary human sciences. Evolutionary Human Sciences publishes interdisciplinary original research, including registered reports, and reviews.

Sponsored by Cambridge University Press


Meet and greet the editors on April 25 from 7 pm

7.30pm: Launch with speeches and magazine presentation

8.00 pm: Come and meet the editors



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